Lucky 7 4 Everyone

You asked and I listened. Here are my favourite products that don’t have dodgy animal ingredients in their manufacturing process, don’t test on animals, and (bonus!) don’t break the bank!

  1. Toothy Tabs by Lush – Most of us know Lush for their extravagant and sumptuous bath bombs, but did you know that they also have a full line of toothpastes?! These little pills come in about a dozen surprising flavours including cola, orange, lemon, lime, spices, classic mint and more! Toothy tabs made the list for creativity, fun factor and environmental friendliness, since it’s possible to recycle the packaging unlike traditional toothpaste tubes. A word to the wise – boom flavour toothy tabs disintegrate like a mothafucka so maybe don’t pick this one unless you are wild about cherry cola flavour and 100%  sure you won’t accidentally drop the bottle. (I am not in this group)
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar – a true jack of all trades, ACV has a myriad of uses inside and outside the body and in food and drinks. I use a mix of ACV and water as facial toner, which is both frugal and more natural than any store bought facial cleanser. Try a shot in the morning to wake up you up and reset your digestive system, and adding a cup or two to your evening bath for a full body brightening treatment. You’ll find your skin softer and more receptive to lotions and perfumes after doing this. Fear not you won’t smell of vinegar!
  3. Coconut Oil – A veritable super product! Where do I even start with this stuff… there are dozens and dozens of uses for it and it’s cheap to purchase. You don’t need to splurge on coconut oil, just look for glass bottled oils as they don’t leach into the product. It contains medium chain triglycerides which increase the caloric burning ability of the body. Try it while cooking and baking in lower temperatures as it has a smoke point of 171 C, which is lower than avocado or olive oil for instance. It also  works as leave in conditioner, makeup remover, cheek highlighter, smoothie improver and dried up lip gloss reviver. This stuff is the bomb. Basically pour it all over your life and watch miracles happen.
  4. Tom’s of Maine Wicked Fresh – non- stinging mouthwash that actually works! Tom’s is fluoride free, cruelty free, vegan, has no artificial flavours, colours, or preservatives OR alcohol. The company has a range of hygiene products, and 10% of all profits are donated to non-profit agencies. Tom and Katie Chappell started the company in 1970 (they were vegan before it was cool!)
  5. Big Shampoo – the coolest shampoo you’ll ever buy!It’s made mostly of sea salt, with added minerals, seaweed and citrus. A little goes a long way with this stuff. I’ve got thin straight hair and noticed a big difference in volume when I switched from this product.
  6. Happy Happy Joy Joy Conditioner – A light but not too light, magically scented conditioner. The main ingredients are almond milk, rose water, orange flower absolute, rosewood and grapefruit essential oils. It smells like a rose garden the morning after a heavy rain. Plus the name is so cheerful and lovely and works perfectly with big shampoo.
  7. DoTerra Essential Oils – discovering essential oils was a game changer for me. A little investment in a few different kinds of these miniscule bottles will revolutionize your entire life. They can be used for household cleaning, general health maintenance, thrifty homemade lotions and body scrubs (using coconut oil and epsom salt plus a few drops of whichever oil you feel like!)  Popular essential oils include: lavender, frankincense, peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary and lemongrass, to name a few.

My hope that this list helps all those looking to include more natural and cruelty free products in their life, I know for myself it took awhile to find out about all these great products, many of which are cheaper and nicer than ‘traditional’ options that most of us were raised using. Please like and share and I would love to hear if there are any vegan and cruelty free products you love which aren’t on this list! Thank you so much for reading. ☺️ See you next post!



Published by natal1edav1s

I like to write; so hopefully you find what I've written here interesting and useful, whether you practice veganism or not (yet). 😉 If I'm not writing on Cool Vegan, I am hanging out with my dog or working in the fitness industry. I aim to be a garden designer after university and help make people's beautiful dreams become verdant reality!

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